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Who is the IACP?

The Idaho Association of Community Providers was created with the combination of several community-based provider associations.  In 2014 we compared our common missions as well as differences and decided to join forces.

The associations formally known as the: 

  • Mental Health Providers Association of Idaho (MHPAI), 
  • Idaho Association of Developmental Disabilities Agencies (IADDA), 
  • Case Management Association of Idaho, 
  • Idaho Residential Supported Living Association (IRSLA) and 
  • Advocates for Addiction Counseling and Treatment (AACT)
  • Vocational Services of Idaho (VSI)

have merged into The Idaho Association of Community Providers, Inc. (IACP) with the goal to maximize our effectiveness in interacting with the various public agencies, funding sources, and policy making bodies. 

We realized that the people our member organizations serve often have needs that cross over several service systems. We also recognize that national advocacy groups and provider organizations are consolidating to better address these overlapping needs. The members of our respective provider sub-types believe that together we can better advocate for more comprehensive and healthier community-based service responses to better meet the needs of the people we serve. 

Our unified association encompasses all the different provider type specialties that will continue to address industry specific issues and opportunities. Our goal is to better coordinate communication and policy platforms between the specialties in order to increase our effectiveness.  In this way, we will achieve mutually beneficial outcomes for the industry and the people we serve.

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